Join now to access our groundbreaking 12 Week Postpartum & Core Rehab Program!

Get support from our certified postpartum trainer, Jess, a pelvic health physiotherapist and the rest of the Move it Mama community.

The program has been written alongside expert pelvic health physiotherapist, Anna Thompson of Health Down South. The first round of this program has been extremely successful in delivering results to many. From improved exercise performance in general, to improvements to diastasis recti (ab separation), incontinence symptoms and sexual function.

This program is powerful - and worth your time. Whether you’re newly postpartum or post surgery, this program could be the key to your ongoing success. Not just with regular exercise, but with establishing a positive relationship both to exercise and your body.

“This will be the program that gets you back to exercising regularly. Regardless of whether you gave birth six weeks ago, or six years ago. It is designed for you to journey through in your own time, from the privacy of your own home.”

Access a trial of our Postpartum & Core Program - for free!

Our 12 week postpartum & core program is a safe progression pathway that will help you feel strong and confident as you navigate motherhood.

With the guidance of a certified postpartum personal trainer and a pelvic health physiotherapist, you can expect to see results while also benefiting from the support and community of other new mums.

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Are you currently pregnant?

Who is the program for?

ANYONE. However this program will be especially beneficial to you if:

  • you’re new to exercise and/or need to start from the beginning

  • you have ever grown or birthed a baby (whether that was 3 months ago or 13 years ago - it’s never too late)

  • you have had a surgical procedure i.e., pelvic, abdominal, spinal/back, cancer surgeries, cancer treatment, birth (caesarean or vaginal) etc.

If I’m newly postpartum, how soon can I start?

The way the program has been designed means you can start as soon as you’re ready. The first few weeks focus on rehabilitative exercises; connecting back to your breath, pelvic floor and core. There is a huge benefit in doing this type of work early on if you feel up to it (mentally/emotionally etc.). That being said, if you feel the need to wait a while, that’s fine too.

Whatever stage you’re at, take things slowly. There is benefit in repeating the early sessions - practice makes perfect (or near enough!).

We otherwise always recommend that, where possible, you consult a women’s health physio before commencing exercise.

Why is rebuilding my core so important after birth/surgery?

Rebuilding core strength after birth is important for several reasons. During pregnancy, the abdominal muscles and pelvic floor are stretched and weakened to accommodate the growing baby, and birth can cause further damage to these muscles. Restoring core strength can help prevent or alleviate issues such as incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, diastasis recti (abdominal separation) and lower back pain. It can also improve posture and overall physical function, allowing you to more easily move about your day to day life.

Strengthening the core can also have mental and emotional benefits, as it can even increase confidence and provide a sense of control over your body during a time when many of us experience significant changes. Overall, rebuilding core strength postpartum is an essential part of regaining physical and emotional wellbeing after birth.

The importance of rebuilding the core after various surgical procedures is equally important for the same reasons - physically, emotionally and mentally.

Above all, a strong core unit will help you to feel stronger and get even more out of your other workouts or exercise.

How is the program set out?

There are 30 sessions that make up the 12 week program. It is designed so that you complete two sessions a week in the first six weeks and three sessions a week in the next six weeks. All sessions are available to you and are labelled by session number. If you find yourself wanting to do more than two or three workouts on any given week, repeat a session from that week rather than skipping ahead. Repeating sessions will be really beneficial to most people.

Can I fast track the program/go faster than what’s laid out?

We don’t recommend fast tracking the program. The program is intentionally designed to be completed over a 12 week timeframe. It takes six weeks for a muscle to adapt and change. Therefore, it’s important to build strength at each level, allowing your body to build awareness and coordination, and learn and cement the techniques before progressing on.

My physio says I have an overactive pelvic floor. Is the program still good for me?

Yes. The program will still be beneficial to you if you are dealing with an overactive (hypertonic) pelvic floor. In this case, it’s really important to focus on the relaxing part of the exercises - it's just as important to train the relaxation of your pelvic floor, as it is to strengthen it.

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