Notes, from someone

Sometimes Leece tells a story, every now and then Jess wants to get something off her chest and from time to time we just need a space to put ‘pen to paper’ (because one podcast a week isn’t enough hehe).

Think of this page as everything ‘miscellaneous’. Here you’ll find various articles and bits, from life updates to more informative musings and whatever in between.

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A note from Leece (18 Sep 2024)

I went down to the beach with the kids after my workout (I take a LIVE Strength on a Wednesday at 6:10am my time).

For those of you who don’t know, I’ve found myself in a very tough position. My beloved husband got diagnosed with a very aggressive array of cancer (multiple types). Not knowing, I took him into hospital in a life threatening condition back in May. What unraveled was nothing short of horrific.

We are a close family, we have worked hard on our marriage and our relationships with our children and of course with each other. He’s my rock and safe place. Where he is, I feel home.

But when something so traumatic happens, it throws everything you’ve ever known into oblivion. You suddenly find yourself scrambling to even breathe. To drive. To talk. To eat. To move. To exist. What you once knew gets so abruptly trampled on, ripped up and discarded.

Fast forward four and a bit months, I finally feel like I am at a point where I can enjoy moments again. Before now, nothing bought me joy.

Today I enjoyed the feeling my exercise gave me. I enjoyed my coffee in the sunshine. On my way down to the beach Dan phoned me from the hospital. I felt guilty when I told him I was going for a swim - here he is battling away in hospital day in day out. He said “have fun.” I normally would think ‘yeah right, nothing is fun anymore’ but I didn’t. I took what he said in and enjoyed it. I thought about how kind he was to say that to me. His true essence is still there even though he’s been so incredibly unwell and still has so much more to get through.

One thing I’ve done throughout this tumultuous time is I have been very strategic with my night time sleeping. Once I walk into my room I switch off my emotional brain and I have a routine that has been so effective in ensuring I sleep. I follow this every single night because I know life is so much tougher if we don’t get sleep.

A lot of people go through trauma and very hard times - my question to you is what is your advice? Have you been in a horrific dark situation and what did you draw on for strength? What helped you?

I'm sure so many of us would love to hear of strategies or even thoughts to help when times are tough. Thank you in advance for sharing.

Leece x